Principal Researcher in Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of Tomsk State University
Professor of the Physics Faculty, Tomsk State University
Professional address
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,
Lenin av. 36, Build. 27,
634050 Tomsk,
Russian Federation
TEL: +73822529776
E-MAIL: ryabova»AT»niipmm.tsu.ru, rgo»AT»rambler.ru
Graduated from Tomsk State University (1977),
Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics at Leningrad State University (1990),
D. of Sci. in Physics and Mathematics at St. Petersburg State University (2002).
Research Interests
Mathematical modelling of meteoroid streams,
interrelations in asteroid-comet-meteoroid complex,
dynamics of small bodies of the Solar System.
Now I read the following courses:
Technology of programming (54h)
Geophysics and planetary physics (54h)
Typography and presentation (36h)
Medal of Federation of Astronautics of Russia of a name of the academician V.P. Makeev (1995),
Kufarev prize of Tomsk State University (1988),
medal «For Merits before Tomsk State University» (2003 and 2013),
winner of competition of the Tomsk region in education and sciences (2005),
asteroid 17859 named Galinaryabova (2005).
Investigator (head of group) in a number of grants of Russian Fund for Basic Research, in Federal programs, and in programs of the Education and Science Ministry of the Russian Federation.
Co-convener and co-organizer (with D. Asher) of session SB4 «Meteoroid streams: structure, observations, modelling, origin», European Planetary Science Congress 2009 (EPSC2009), 13-18 September 2009, Potsdam, Germany.
Member of International Astronomical Union (from 2003).
Member of Organizing Committee of IAU Division F Commission 22 “Meteors, Meteorites & Interplanetary Dust “(2012–2015).
Member of Organizing Committee of IAU Division F Commission F1 “Meteors, Meteorites & Interplanetary Dust “(from 2015).
Chair of IAU Division F Commission 22 WG Professional-Amateur Cooperation in Meteors (2009-2012), member of the WG (2012–2015).
Member of International Meteor Organization (1991), member of the IMO Council (from 2016).
Referee for the following international journals: Solar System Research; Earth, Moon and Planets; Planetary and Space Science, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Contributions of Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso.

63 papers in Russian and international journals. Publications in English see here.